
Where to go in Minsk from the 29th of April – 4th of May

Where to go in Minsk from the 29th of April – 4th of May
CityDog.by recommends what to do this week in Minsk: watch a performance of Romeo and Juliet, listen to a live orchestra in the Botanical Gardens, check out an avant-garde exhibition, and more. 

CityDog.by recommends what to do this week in Minsk: watch a performance of Romeo and Juliet, listen to a live orchestra in the Botanical Gardens, check out an avant-garde exhibition, and more. 

“Avant-garte” Exhibition 

When: Monday–Sunday

A huge exhibition of the Belarusian avant-garde has just opened in three different locations around Minsk. At “BelExpo” (14 Pieramožcaŭ avenue, пр-т Пераможцаў, 14) there will be an exhibition of the achievements of Belarusian art over the last 10 years: photography, painting, installation art, sculpture, and so on. Tickets are 50 000 BYR.

The Museum of Modern Art (47 Niezaliežnasci avenue, пр-т Незалежнасці, 47) is hosting an exhibition of several 20th Century Belarusian avant-garde societies of artists and non-conformists. Tickets are 30 000 BYR.

Those who prefer admiring art in the fresh air can stop by Jakuba Kołasa Square, where a project named “The Artist and the City” is taking place. There you can take in reproductions of Belarusian artists and look at street-art. Entrance is free. 

Concert in the Botanical Gardens

When: Thursday, starting at 13:00

You can celebrate Labor Day in one of the best places in Minsk, the Botanical Gardens. The internationally renowned, award-winning concert band Fanfary Nemigi, which was granted a Silver Palm Branch from San-Remo, will be playing popular music. Besides the live music, you can also experience the joys of honest work: anyone interested is invited to participate in planting along with Botanical Gardens volunteers and gardeners.

  Where: Botanical Gardens, 2v Surhanava St. (вул. Сурганава, 2в) 

More information (in Russian): here

Entrance: 30 000 BYR 

Inside Llewyn Davis film showing 

When: Thursday (19:00), Saturday (21:10)

The new Coen Brothers film is an unhurried, melancholy story about a handsome, mediocre folk singer trying to make his mark in 1950s New York. He has nothing to live for and nowhere to live, fights with his friend, and accidentally lets his acquaintances’ ginger cat out of their apartment, which he then has to recuperate somehow. The film was awarded the Grand Prize of the Jury at the Cannes Film Festival and was also nominated for an Oscar. It will be shown in Minsk in English with Russian subtitles. 

   Where: Raketa (“Ракета”) movie theatre, 3 Rabočy Lane (зав. Рабочы, 3)

More information (in Russian): here 

Entrance: 20 000 BYR 

Performance of “Romeo and Juliet” 

When: Friday, Sunday (19:00)

Minsk’s main theater of opera and ballet (the Bolshoi theatre of Opera and Ballet) will be showing a performance of Prokofiev’s “Romeo and Juliet”, one of the world’s saddest stories about young love. What’s special about this performance is the conductors, choreographers, and artists who collaborated in the show: almost all of them are People’s Artists of Belarus and winners of important prizes. However, there aren’t many tickets left.

  Where: Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet, 1 Paryžskaj Kamuny Square (пл. Парыжскай камуны, 1)

Entrance: 30 000 BYR – 70 000 BYR 

James More Illusion Show

When: Saturday, 19:00 

The English illusionist James More, prize-winner of “The Magic Circus Show”, familiar face on the European variety TV show “Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde” and finalist of “Britain’s Got Talent”, is performing on tour around the world. This Saturday he will be showing off his wild tricks to Minsk. 

 Where: The Palace of the Republic, 1 Kastryčnickaja Square (Кастрычніцкая плошча, 1). 

 More information (in Russian): here

Entrance: 250 000 BYR – 950 000 BYR 

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  Фото: CityDog.by, imdb.com, tumblr.com, bolshoibelarus.by.


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